Spring regeneration - how to regenerate your skin after winter?

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Spring regeneration - how to regenerate your skin after winter?

List of content:

  1. Why is spring a good time to regenerate the skin?
  2. Spring skincare routine step by step
  3. Lifestyle - how does it affect the appearance of the skin?

Winter is slowly leaving and with it’s the time for spring regeneration of the skin. Long months of winter weather, heating indoors and freezing temperatures outside take a toll on our skin. That is why now is the perfect time to take care of its condition and prepare it for the upcoming, warmer days. Check out a few simple ways to follow this spring.

Why is spring a good time to regenerate the skin?

Spring is the moment when we begin to prepare for the summer season and change many of our habits. It is an undeniable fact that this time of year affects our skin. After winter, the skin is dull, dry, and gray and requires nourishment and hydration.

Low temperature and dry air negatively affect the condition of our skin. In winter, we often use heating, which additionally dries the skin, as well as staying too often in closed rooms where the humidity is low. The change of seasons affects our diet, which also has an impact on our skin. In winter, we eat fatty and hard-to-digest foods more often, which burden our digestive system and may affect the appearance of our skin.

Spring skincare routine step by step

In spring, our skin needs proper care to look healthy and radiant. Here is a simple spring beauty ritual:

  1. Cleansing
  2. Peeling
  3. Moisturizing
  4. Sun protection

Each skincare ritual should always start with a thorough cleansing. Well-cleansed skin absorbs better active ingredients from cosmetics, which increases its effectiveness. Cleansing the skin should be done in the morning and evening, using cosmetics suited to your skin type.

After cleansing the skin, it is worth using a peeling that removes dead skin cells. It should be used once or a maximum of twice a week, but not more to not irritate the skin. It is worth choosing an enzyme or acid peeling that gently removes dead cells without damaging the natural protective barrier. You can read about how to care for your skin after acid treatments here.

In spring, it is worth focusing on cosmetics that will help restore optimal moisture. A good choice is a cream with hyaluronic acid, which eliminates the feeling of dryness and reduces skin roughness, or a serum with pentavitin, which will not only moisturize but also soothe and make the skin tighter. It is also worth using a moisturizing mask, which will additionally soothe and regenerate.

Sunscreen should always be the last step in your morning skincare routine. Why is it worth using a cream with an SPF filter? Our skin is exposed to the harmful effects of UV rays all year round. It is worth choosing creams with a high SPF that will provide the skin with maximum protection from the sun. Sunscreen cream should be used every day, not only when sunbathing.

Lifestyle - how does it affect the appearance of the skin?

Our lifestyle and habits have an impact on the appearance of our skin. During springtime, it is worth focusing on healthy eating and a diet rich in seasonal vegetables and fruits. Avoid sugar, fatty, and processed products that negatively affect the condition of the skin. It is also worth remembering about regular sleep positively affects the regeneration of the skin and the appearance of our complexion. Regular physical activity and avoiding stress are also important elements in skin care.

Let's take care of our skin in spring by using the right cosmetics and taking care of our health. Thanks to this, our skin will be radiant and healthy.


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