Serum or cream first? The correct order of applying cosmetics

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Serum or cream first? The order of applying cosmetics.

List of content:

  1. Step-by-step skincare routine. What products should be applied to the skin in what order?
  2. Why is the correct order of application of cosmetics important?

The order in which you apply cosmetics is important for the effectiveness of skincare. Should we apply serum or cream first? We answer this question and suggest how your daily routine should look step by step.

The correct order of applying cosmetics is crucial in everyday skin care. It ensures that the active ingredients have the right opportunity to penetrate the skin, thanks to which the cosmetics are maximally effective. So in what order should you apply cosmetics to achieve this? In this article, we'll discuss what products to apply to your skin and in what order, and why the correct order of application is so important.

Step-by-step skincare routine. What products should be applied to the skin in what order?

Choosing cosmetics for the needs of our skin is a great basis for having a healthy and radiant complexion. Unfortunately, all these efforts may turn out to be ineffective if we apply cosmetics in the wrong way. In order to keep the skin in good condition, it is necessary to follow the correct order of application of cosmetics. The basic rule is: after cleansing, apply products according to the consistency from lighter to heavier and more oily.

Here is a step-by-step list of what your daily skincare routine should look like:


The first and most important step in daily skin care should be cleansing of impurities, sebum, dust, and remnants of previously applied cosmetics and makeup. Cleansing the skin will facilitate the absorption of other products.


After cleansing the skin, it is worth using a toner that will help restore the natural pH, narrow the pores and prepare it for further steps.


The next step should be a serum that contains properly selected active ingredients. Such a product usually has a light gel-like and non-greasy consistency. The serum is important for hydration, wrinkle reduction, or even skin tone, so it is worth paying attention to whether it contains ingredients such as antioxidants, hyaluronic acid, extracts, or vitamins.


The cream is a skincare cosmetic whose main task is to moisturize and protect the skin from external factors. Creams are available in different versions - day, night, with UV filter, for different skin types (oily, dry, combination, etc.). Creams contain ingredients that are designed to moisturize, nourish and regenerate.

After applying the serum, the next step should be to apply a cream to protect the skin against moisture loss and increase its elasticity. Creams create a protective barrier on the surface of the skin that protects it from external factors such as cold or wind. In addition, by using the cream after the serum, we provide the skin with the optimal dose of active ingredients that will have a greater impact on its condition.

UV protection

The last but very important step is the use of a cream with a filter that protects the skin against harmful UV radiation, which is responsible for the faster aging process of the skin and the formation of discolorations. Don't skip this step!

Why is the correct order of application of cosmetics important?

The correct order of applying cosmetics is crucial for effective skin care. Each product has its specific function and active ingredients that are supposed to act on the skin in a specific way. To ensure this, it is necessary to apply the cosmetics in the correct order. Thanks to this, the active ingredients can penetrate deep into the skin and work properly.

The order in which cosmetics are applied is the most important when using serums and creams. The serum contains concentrated active ingredients that must reach the appropriate layers of the skin to work effectively. Applying the cream before the serum may prevent or reduce the penetration of active ingredients from the serum into the deeper layers of the skin.

The order in which cosmetics are applied is also important when using creams with a UV filter. Using a cream with a UV filter at the end of the care ensures that the filter will remain on the skin's surface, which will effectively protect it from UV radiation.

Remember that using cosmetics in the right order is crucial to achieving maximum care effects. Therefore, we encourage you to follow the principles discussed in this article and apply them in your daily skincare.

Thse cosmetics will prove themselves in everyday skin care:


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