Morning skincare step by step - how to take care of your skin

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Morning skincare step by step - how to take care of your skin

List of content:

  1. Why is it important to take care of your skin in the morning?
  2. Do you need to wash your face in the morning?
  3. What should your morning skincare look?
  4. What ingredients to look for in cosmetics for morning care?
  5. Morning care according to skin type

Taking care of the skin is one of the basic elements of maintaining its healthy and beautiful look. Therefore, it is important to take care of it regularly in the morning and in the evening. In this article, we will focus on morning care and show you step-by-step how it should look like, thanks to which your skin will be radiant and healthy throughout the day. Find out what steps to include in your morning skincare routine and how to choose the right products for your skin type.

Why is it important to take care of your skin in the morning?

Morning skin care is not only a nice ritual but also a key step in taking care of health and a beautiful look. Every day, our skin is exposed to various types of harmful external factors, such as UV radiation, dust, or pollution, which affect its condition and appearance. That is why it is so important to provide your skin with nutrients every morning that will help keep it in good shape throughout the day and to ensure that it is properly protected.

Morning skin care differs from evening skin care, because the skin undergoes a regeneration process during the night, and morning care rituals are aimed at preparing it for the challenges of the next day. Properly selected morning care allows for better absorption of cosmetics and prevents the formation of imperfections. In morning care, we must not forget about protection against UV.

Do you need to wash your face in the morning?

With specific skin types, some people may give up the morning cleansing of the skin with a cleanser. It is enough to wash the skin with plenty of lukewarm water. Such exceptions include owners of sensitive skin, with AD symptoms, or during the retinoid treatment when our skin is particularly sensitive.

What should your morning skincare look?

In the morning, opt for lighter formulas and choose moisturizing products. Remember these five steps:

  1. Cleansing - with a washing product or water alone,
  2. Toning,
  3. Serum,
  4. Cream,
  5. Product with SPF filter.


Whether you use an emulsion or foam or wash your face with water alone, the first step in your morning skincare routine should be cleansing. If you use rich and greasy cosmetics in your evening care, it is better to cleanse your face with a cleansing product to remove its remnants from the skin. You can use gel, foam, or face wash that should be gently massaged into the skin and rinsed thoroughly with water. Cleansing your skin will remove impurities and sebum from your pores, making your skin more radiant.


The second step is toning with tonic or hydrolase. The toner helps to restore the natural pH of the skin and prepares it for further care steps. The skin is softened and moist from the toner, and it absorbs the following applied products better, thanks to which the active ingredients can penetrate deeper into the skin. Remember that you should apply toner before the serum and cream.


After toning, it is worth applying a serum to the skin. Serum is a powerful cosmetic that provides the skin with nutrients, vitamins, and antioxidants. Pat gently serum into the skin of the face. In the morning, use a light serum that is rich in moisturizing and antioxidant ingredients. Antioxidants will help the skin fight against free radicals that can accelerate the aging process.


After the serum, the next step in morning skin care is the application of the cream. In the morning, put on a moisturizing face cream that protects the skin against water loss and creates a protective layer on its surface. The cream should be applied to the face, gently patting it into the skin. Every skin, regardless of its type, needs a portion of hydration, so don't skip this step. In this step, you can also use a separate cream created for the care of the eye area. Use your fingertips to gently pat the cream under the eyes.

Product with SPF filter

UV radiation is harmful to our skin regardless of the season, so sunscreen should be used all year round. Don't skip this step! Apply sunscreen with SPF after moisturizer but before makeup.

Remember that regularity and regularity are important in skin care. Performing the above activities in the morning, will not only prepare it for the challenges of the day, but above all, you will provide it with adequate protection, thanks to which your skin will be full of glow.

What ingredients to look for in cosmetics for morning care?

During the day, our skin is exposed to oxidative stress caused by harmful external factors such as smog, stress, or cigarette smoke. Free radicals then accumulate in our body, which accelerates the aging process, and the skin loses its glow. To support our skin in the fight against free radicals, in the morning care, put on antioxidant and moisturizing ingredients.

In cosmetics for morning care, look for:

  1. vitamin C,
  2. green tea extract,
  3. vitamin E,
  4. hyaluronic acid,
  5. coenzyme Q10.

Remember that when choosing cosmetics for morning skincare, it is worth taking into account not only their composition but also your skin type and individual needs. If you are not sure, consult a cosmetologist or dermatologist to choose the best cosmetics for your skin.

Morning care according to skin type

Choosing the right cosmetics for morning skincare should depend on the individual needs of your skin. Here are some tips on choosing products that suit different skin types.

Dry skin

People with dry skin should choose cosmetics that provide the right hydration and nutrition. Cream for dry skin should strongly moisturize and protect the skin against excessive water loss.

Oily skin

People with oily skin should look for light cosmetics that will regulate sebum secretion and prevent the formation of blackheads and acne.

Combination skin

Combination skin is characterized by the presence of oily and dry zones. In this case, it is worth using light products that strongly moisturize. We recommend soothing cosmetics for washing the face, and creams with hyaluronic acid for moisturizing the skin.

Sensitive skin

People with sensitive skin should look for delicate cosmetics. To wash your face, we recommend soap-free cosmetics, and to moisturize the skin, we recommend serum with aloe vera.

Regular morning skin care is not only an important element of caring for your health, but it can also be a pleasant habit that will bring a little relaxation to your daily routine. By choosing the right cosmetics adapted to your skin type, you can achieve the expected results like moisturized, nourished, and healthy skin.

Remember that morning skincare should be done every day to keep its condition at the highest level. Without regular care of the skin, we can expose it to many problems, such as dryness, early signs of aging, and other skin problems.


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